Women Acting Sustainably: A Presentation

7 women. 7 minutes. 21 slides. On March 11, AIA ForWARD hosted Fast Forward, a night of Pecha Kucha style presentations on the theme, “Women Acting Sustainably.” My presentation, “Sustaining the Human Race Through Physical Activity” focused on inspiring people to see themselves as resources worthy of investment—active bodies lead to productive adults that, in turn, can fuel our economy and protect our environment.

I challenged the Portland design community attendees to consider ways to fold physical activity into the way we conduct business and in the spaces we design. I discussed our recent projects, the Outdoor Adventure at the Portland Children’s Museum, a fitness circuit course, and the Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge as examples of spaces designed for movement. The Mayer/Reed designers behind these projects are committed to living physically active lives. We encouraged the audience to have a little fun, stand up and push the boundaries of social norms by participating in a set of exercises during the presentation.AIA FastForward Mayer/ReedAt the close of all 7 presentations, I was intrigued that many of the speakers focused on the social side of sustainability rather than on green building techniques. It made me proud to belong to a community in which environmentally sustainable design is already considered best practice and we can push ourselves to consider even more.

Behind the Design: Third Angle New Music Identity

The logo concept materialized out of two workshops at our studio with Third Angle New Music’s staff and marketing committee. The first workshop explored Third Angle’s core attributes, mission, aspirations and value to the community. At the second workshop each participant was asked to pull 5 favorites from a wall of inspirational images and to explain why their selections were meaningful and relevant to Third Angle. From these exercises emerged a logo concept that represents the intersection of new music, composition and collaboration across the dimensions of style, time and space.TexttempeleteThe logo design is based on overlaying the name Third Angle on a three dimensional tetrahedron grid. This folded topographic plane of triangles is inspired by the facade of one of the Chinese pavilions at the Shanghai World Expo that I saw during Third Angle’s first trip to China for the Beijing International Music Festival. Third Angle’s story and history is embedded in the new logo.

PrintOriginal artwork was created using a piece of paper printed with the words Third Angle that was then folded and photographed, again and again. A final digital version emerged that met the range of application demands. A brand statement, tagline and graphic application standards were developed to bring the new identity to life.ThirdAngleSpreadsMayerReedMichael Reed serves on Third Angle’s Board of Directors.

Posted January 29, 2014
Written by: Michael Reed

Bud Clark Commons Work Day

Bud Clark Clean upLandscape architects at Mayer/Reed volunteered “hands on” time last week,  applying elbow grease into pruning shrubs and trees of the two courtyards at Bud Clark Commons, a non-profit center providing services to the homeless. The Day Center and Men’s Shelter courtyards get intensive use everyday. While we don’t normally maintain the landscapes that we’ve designed, returning to sites after installation is time well spent to see if the spaces are being used in all the ways we anticipated.

Posted January 08, 2014
Written by: Carol Mayer-Reed, FASLA

Congratulations to Portland Parks and Recreation’s Mike Abbate

Mayer/Reed congratulates Michael Abbate for his election to the 2013 Class of Fellows for the American Society of Landscape Architects. Mike was inducted on Monday, Nov. 18 at the annual meeting held in Boston, MA. As Director of Portland Parks and Recreation, he is an accomplished landscape architect whose work has encompassed both public and private sectors. We truly appreciate Mike’s special insights into the importance of public spaces and the value of design.

Posted: Dec 16, 2013
Written by: Carol Mayer-Reed, FASLA
Posted December 16, 2013
Written by: Carol Mayer-Reed, FASLA
Categories: COMMUNITY